Monday, June 16, 2008

Visit to the clinic

Mom and I made our first trip to the local medical clinic much to our dismay. After spending four hours there we were finally allowed to go home. Dad has a severely swollen elbow that has continued to swell for the past three days and it is warm to the touch so we thought it might be a good idea to check it out.

The doctor, yes an actual doctor, is indian and has braided locks down to his waste. He is pretty cool though but full of a lot of hot air. We did blood work, drained fluid from the elbow area, had and IV and X-ray. After all that time we found out that dad had a huge bone spur on the tip of his elbow. The doctor said no more throwing for you so I guess I can't plan in the over seventy league any more.

The part for concern is that there was some infection in the fluid and he was concerned about a possible staff infection so he took a pretty radical approach to the treatment in hoping to wipe it out before it got too bad which we thought to be a good idea. We go back early tomorrow morning for another IV and as long as the swelling hasn't spread we are okay but if it has spread he may send us to Anchorage to have some surgery done. We are hoping that is not the case. It made for an exciting day.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm glad you saw the doctor. 70 and over league, you're not there quite yet! I love your blogging! I just got back from the temple. I went with a couple friends and we did sealings it was great!